We started as a church on August 17, 1997, and for many years, “Chesterfield Christian Center” was a “regular” church with Sunday services, Wednesday night meetings, men’s groups, women’s groups, children’s church, youth group, and super great “worship.”

In 2009 the Lord instructed us to seek Him about what kind of church we should be, and to leave “traditional” ways of doing things behind. At a conference we co-sponsored with several other churches, Graham Cooke prophesied that we were called to be a “thin-place” where people and God could easily connect. Since then, we have been seeking His direction and leading as to what that all means.

In 1997 we had received a prophecy from John F. Deal that we were called to be a “hospital,” where people could come and find help in a time of need. People do not come to a hospital to stay, but only to get the treatment they need. Yet for many years we tried to build a church with programs and “committed” members.

In 2016 the Lord reminded us of the fact that we were called to be a hospital, and not to build a church; a place where people can come and find healing and freedom from God, with no expectations from us on you.

On December 2, 2017, we launched a place where people can come here the Good News that Jesus heals, delivers, and sets people free. Every Saturday night there will be preaching from the Bible on healing, grace, faith, peace, and victory - a meeting designed to encourage, build-up and strengthen people in need of a boost.

We do not want you to leave your current local church (if you have one), but rather to stay connected where you are. Come as often or as little as you wish. No one will ask you to do anything, say anything, give anything, or commit to anything (opportunities to serve are available for those who want them). 

Living Faith is here to serve the people of the Chesterfield, Powhatan and Richmond area with the life and love of Jesus, and to proclaim the actual gospel which includes so much more than just a “get out of hell free” card.